Tag: spend management

Turn your data into profits

Turn Your Data Into Profits By Joining Consolidated Concepts

The supply chain is a complex ecosystem and as an operator, you shouldn’t have to navigate the chaos on your own.

Supply chain efficiency starts with utilizing the data your operation is generating. Every time you purchase something, you produce a multitude of data points. Think about it, there are many data points that go into making a single purchase such as what you purchased, when you purchased, how much you purchased, who you purchased it from, and what you paid for it.

All that data can be used to run your business more profitably. But, how can you do that when the data you are generating is coming from multiple sources and is hard to understand?

By partnering with Consolidated Concepts of course.

We can help you take all that data and unlock savings, insights, operational metrics, and new sourcing opportunities. Here are three ways we can help you turn your data into profits:

spend management technology

Your purchasing department generates large amounts of data every day from invoices and inventory to contract utilization and rebates. Our spend management technology provides “the bigger picture” of where your money is going, what is providing value to your operation, and what isn’t. We utilize over $20 billion in purchasing volume to benchmark our client’s procurement information against the industry at large and assists in answering your most pressing procurement questions so you can reach your purchasing and savings goals.

Data Visualization

We take the data your operation produces every day and give you a bird’s eye view of the health of your operation. Easily view your purchasing data so you can make more strategic data-driven decisions. No matter how many sources your data is coming from, we organize it into easy to ready dashboards so you can stay up to date on pricing trends, purchasing compliance, contract statuses, rebate projections, price verification statistics, and commodity price benchmarks in real-time. Our customizable dashboards puts spend intelligence right at your fingertips enabling you to make impactful, well-informed decisions.

Better Forecasting

Forecasting is important for operators as food costs increase and decrease certain times of the year, but what about discrepancies in supplies costs that occur? Pricing discrepancies are by no means unique to food items — inaccurate pricing occurs across a multitude of different categories. Without cleaned and organized data, it’s unlikely you are making the most accurate business decisions.

Not only can we transform your data into profits, we can also help you maximize the value in other areas of your operation such as Rebates and Deviations, Supply Chain Management, Produce Management, Custom Contracts, and Indirect Spend Savings.

Become a Consolidated Concepts member today for free!