Manufacturer Rebates and Deviations
Gain instant access to thousands of discounted prices and rebates from 350+ leading manufacturers
AI Savings Recommendations
Our artificial intelligence tools identify key products and areas where your restaurant can save
Dedicated Account Management
Expert Account Managers ensure each clients' success, keep projects in motion and recommend new areas for optimization
Earn Rebates on Your Purchases
Restaurants are already running on thin margins. As a multi-unit restaurant operator, taking advantage of rebates and deviations should be a no brainer. At Consolidated Concepts, we review all your purchases and identify savings opportunities and rebates that can yield additional savings. Consolidated Concepts has rebate and deviation contracts with over 350 manufacturers on over 165,000 line items that cover every category imaginable.
Earn rebates through our rebate program without changing products.
![Tropical Smoothie](
![Tropical smoothie-1](
![Red Robin](
![Raising Canes](
![raising canes2-1](
![Mountain Mikes](
![Mountain Mikes-1](
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![Cameron Mitchell](
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![black bear](
![black bear diner-1](
Ready to Talk Rebates?
Anywhere you can save money is vital to your bottom line. Our team of industry experts is ready to help you maximize rebates on all your purchases so you can put money back into your pocket.