Master Supply Chain & Distribution Resource Center
Consolidated Concepts offers helpful whitepaper guides to help strengthen your business through contract negotiations, sustainable seafood practices, and optimizing your supply chain operations. Enter your email address below to receive a digital download of one of our guides.

Master Distribution Agreement Whitepaper
With over 30% of revenues being spent on food supply, restaurant operators are increasing focus and resources on developing more operational and cost-effective ways of purchasing, procuring and managing supply. This trend is the logical outcome of increased managerial concern to meet specific supply objectives of quality, quantity, delivery, price, service, and competitive improvement.
Most operators who have scaled in size to multiple locations have found the benefit of pursuing a Master Distribution Agreement with their main broadline or grocery distributor. This vital contract offers the operator the opportunity to lock in pricing terms on their order guide items and avoid drastic swings in costs and terms from their primary distributors.
Inside this whitepaper you’ll hear from our experts on:
- Tips to successfully negotiating your first MDA- Definitions for common terms you need to know for your MDA
- Insights from Technomic experts on MDA’s, distributors, and more
- Negotiation tactics for the hidden factors in your MDA that may be affecting your savings
- …and more.
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Sustainable Seafood Program Whitepaper
For those in the restaurant industry, adding yet one more item to your “to-do” list can seem overwhelming if not impossible. Nevertheless, something has prompted you to consider the possibility of offering sustainable seafood. It could be your growing awareness that the marine life in the vastness of the oceans is not as limitless as once perceived. It could also be because of the increasing number of customers who want to know where and how their food is sourced. Newer generations are driven by a desire to live in such a way that supports both the environment as well as the businesses that are “sustainably” conscious.
As you’ll come to realize from the information shared in this whitepaper, offering sustainable seafood is an important part of that equation. Fortunately, implementing such a program is not as hard as it sounds. Many restaurants can begin the transfer to an environmentally conscious menu in as little as two weeks (depending on existing contractual or inventory commitments). The step-by-step process entailed here includes sources, cost, and restaurants that are making their mark as sustainable venues. So take a look at just what it means and why it is important to you and your customers as well as to the generations that will follow.
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Sweating Supply Chain Details For Bottom-Line Improvements Whitepaper
Today’s restaurant chains are confronted by countless strategic and structural challenges, but few more critical than the impact of sourcing and managing ingredients and supplies. With 25-35% of revenue spent on food, beverages, packaging, and supplies, operators are increasingly focused on finding more effective ways of managing their variable cost inputs. This trend is a predictable and necessary outgrowth of oversupply (too many restaurants), consumer demand for value, and the margin pressure brought on by intense competition over patronage frequency and loyalty.
This whitepaper contains details for bottom-line improvements for your Master Distribution Agreement.
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