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Large issues persist in all parts of the industry, including a shortage of steady labor and high freight prices, posing challenges in the supply chain flow from harvest to shipping to reception.

Last week, all vegetable oil kinds rose in price. As soybean crops in the United States are stressed, the main cause is very hot and dry weather. Canola is growing more challenging by the day, and this crop will suffer some losses. Soybean oil-based products, Canola, and palm oil are all expected to rise in price.

The cheese markets flattened week over week, barely going up with flat demand. The Butter market decreased by $0.011/lb week over week on weak demand. There are no current changes to the Shell Egg market this week, all sizes remain unchanged.

Due to exports, most packers were unable to supply Chucks. Rounds continued to weaken, but interest served to keep the decrease at bay for the time being. Ribs appear to have reached a plateau, while strips and tenders continue to fall. Thin meats such as tritips, sirloin flaps, and chuck flaps continue to be underpriced. Demand for grind and trim has slowed, causing cost and demand to fall.

After a few brief harvest weeks, hog futures have stabilized. Butts are easing slightly heading into next week as demand continues to fall. Spareribs are also expected to fall off next week, with the market trading sideways as August approaches. Fresh bellies continue to have a stable demand and limited supply due to the lack of cold storage. Trim is rising once more.

Labor shortages persist across the business, but availability for some commodities is improving. Jumbo wings and tenders are expensive, and the product is hard to get by. The breast market is flat, and there is plenty of supply in a variety of sizes. Portion control breasts are stable, but supply are limited due to labor.

Warm-water lobsters are in short supply, and there are few options to replace them. The first cargo left Nicaragua last week, but the product will take longer than projected to reach the warehouses due to transportation and container constraints. Suppliers of North Atlantic Lobster are striving to refill warehouses.