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- Food Safety and Transparency are the Lifeblood for Operators
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Weather issues in may growing regions will cause markets to increase over the next few weeks. Avocado supplies have continued to increase on the larger sizes.

There is weak demand and large stocks of palm oil causing it to move lower. Good Canadian crops for canola. Soybean oil market traded down last week.

Avian Flu has resurged causing shell eggs to move higher. The butter market has moved higher as cream has softened.

Summer holidays are behind us causing buyers to look for product on a shortened production week. Demand and sales for ribs continue.

Butts have found their floor and levels off. Supplies for ribs are in good demand. Bellies have seen a slight dip and will continue the trend for the next few weeks.

Avian Influenza outbreaks have started to return. Whole birds market is trending up. Boneless thighs were down this week. Seasonal wing demand is back. Increasing availability on tenders and portion-controlled breasts.

There is good market value on frozen tuna. Tilapia harvests have been small since farmers are not letting fish stay in the water longer than is necessary. There is a shortage on 7oz-9oz filets.