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Mushrooms are in a dire state. High prices and limited availability continue to plague the industry.

Soybean oil markets continue to move higher with poorer then expected crops in South America. Good demand and less available stocks are pushing Canola and Palm Markets Higher.

The block and barrel markets are in decline for the week while the butter, cream and eggs market are up due to bad weather across the country.

Demand remains softer given the demand and sales for January and February year after year. Transportation, labor and COVID continue to heighten volatility within the market.

Hams hit their floor last week and are starting to come back up. Loins came off their lows and made some big gains. Butts remained flat.

Whole birds were up this week as supply continues to tighten. Bad weather in the East and Midwest coupled with staffing issues is impacting production across the country.

Congestion in ports has not improved, impacting seafood pricing and availability. Inflation persists in most seafood categories. .