Alerts & What’s Trending
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Mushrooms are in a bad way. The sector continues to be plagued by low availability and excessive prices. Broccoli and strawberries are both in poor supply and scarce.

Soybean oil supplies rose, prompting traders to sell soybean oil futures, causing the market to fall. Palm oil is under pressure as a result of decreasing soybean oil prices, resulting in a market drop.

Natural and mozzarella cheese markets are rising, whereas processed cheese markets are falling. Because butter production was reduced, the market grew. As a result of the growing demand, the shell egg markets grew.

Overall, the market was sluggish as packers and buyers reassessed their positions and market expectations for the future. Strong premiums continue to be rewarded for higher grade livestock and beef. In both food service and retail, buyers are continuing to plan for holiday demand.

Demand for loins is continuing to decline. Ham prices move slowly higher. Spareribs are increasing in demand and prices are increasing. Bellies took a dive this week.

The weather has been ideal for bird growth across most of the country, allowing the birds to flock in large numbers. Wings of all sizes are now more readily available. Tenders are being released to the open market, and the price is falling. The market for random breasts is weakening. The cost of dark meat is decreasing.

Alaskan snow crab quota has been cut by 88% after a population decline.