Category: Uncategorized

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, February 12, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The decline in overall yields and the rise in quality issues can be attributed to the persistent adverse weather conditions experienced in various growing regions. As a result, market prices have remained elevated and are expected to continue at this level for the next few weeks. There is no rain in the forecast for the remainder of the week, but muddy fields will slow packing with minor delays at loading. We have seen freezing temperatures, rain, and heat. That culmination can damper the quality, and we are seeing blisters, peeling, and some pinking in lettuce/leafy items. Growers have been working hard to keep quality and weights consistent through these challenges.


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Last week’s soybean oil futures saw a strong start before declining at the end of the week. Although the higher rise was caused by rising energy markets, soybean futures were kept in control by the overall strong supply of beans and other commodities. Canola is flat, whereas palm has increased due to production problems and Chinese demand.


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With the exception of Northwest California, where shell egg prices are flat. Cheeses from Block & Barrel are getting better. Butter is still up.


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Packers are attempting to increase replacement cost by paying extra for cattle last week. Chucks and bullets stay consistent. Buyers should use caution as ribs remain in corrective mode. Strips are also steady, with premiums carried by CAB and Sel. Overall, tenders are still soft. As supply increase, grinds are topping out and should correct in the coming weeks.


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A small increase in butts was caused by more upfront purchases. The market for ribs showed considerable growth as well, particularly for backribs and spareribs. Demand is steady and loins are staying basically stable. Bellies moved down this week and are still erratic.


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Wings were the star of the market, and they were harder to get due to the Super Bowl. The availability of breasts in all sizes has improved. There are fewer and fewer tenders available. The desire for dark meat is still high. The majority of whole birds are balanced.


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The market for imported shrimp is beginning to solidify, and as Lent approaches, price increases are anticipated. In California, the Dungeness crab season began last week, and vendors will be receiving new stock from the upcoming season. Expect discounts on products from the previous season. The domestic crawfish stock has been wiped out by this summer’s dry weather.

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, February 7 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The western region of the United States is still experiencing significant rainfall. This, combined with consistently unfavorable weather conditions in Mexico and the Eastern United States, has led to continued decreased crop yields and higher-than usual markets. The overall leafy green markets continue to remain relatively steady. However, we will see delays in harvesting in Yuma from the rainy weather. We should expect to see a limited degree of weather-related issues for about another week. Harvest crews are working diligently to put up a good, usable pack. Production blocks are on a regular harvest schedule. However, we could see some lighter supplies as yields drop due to selection.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Grains.jpg

Last week’s soybean oil futures saw a strong start before declining at the end of the week. Although the higher rise was caused by rising energy markets, soybean futures were kept in control by the overall strong supply of beans and other commodities. Canola is flat, whereas palm has increased due to production problems and Chinese demand.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Dairy.jpg

This week, shell egg marketplaces are booming. Block is growing while the barrel market is contracting, butter is still up. Prices for January Cream and Culture will be lower as a result of such market modifications.


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The market for beef has remained robust as long as people keep buying it. As retail beef sales volume starts to drop and prices continue to rise, the beef industry is witnessing a little decline in demand.


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Butts are continuing to drop as expected; this trend should continue for a few more weeks. As long as rib stays stable, sideways trading is expected to persist for the foreseeable future. Similar to butts, loins are fashionable at the moment. Due to the strong demand and typical seasonal trends, bellies are still increasing.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Poultry.jpg

The demand for chicken is still growing. The availability of breasts in all sizes has improved. There are fewer and fewer tenders available. It’s wing season, so demand for wings of all sizes is rising. The desire for dark meat is still high. The majority of whole birds are balanced.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Seafood.jpg

The market for imported shrimp is beginning to solidify, and as Lent approaches, price increases are anticipated. In California, the Dungeness crab season began last week, and vendors will be receiving new stock from the upcoming season. Get a few deals on products from the previous season. The domestic crawfish stock has been wiped out by this summer’s dry weather.

Managing Data for Multiple Restaurant Locations

Managing Data for Multiple Restaurant Locations

Expanding your restaurant to multiple locations brings both opportunities and complexities, especially when it comes to managing data. From transactions to staff schedules, each site generates a unique set of information.

When you streamline your restaurant’s data management, your turn that information into a powerful ally in your culinary expansion.

In this blog, we’ll explore the hurdles of data consistency and dive into strategies for centralization, automation, and futureproofing.

What Is Data Management?

Data management refers to the comprehensive process of collecting, storing, organizing, and ensuring the integrity of data throughout its lifecycle. In the context of a restaurant with multiple locations, effective data management is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and streamlined operation. Here are key aspects of data management:

Data Mgmt

  1. Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from various sources within each restaurant location is the initial step. This can include sales transactions, customer feedback, inventory levels, employee schedules, and more.
  2. Data Storage: Once collected, data needs to be stored in a secure and accessible manner. Centralized databases or cloud-based solutions can provide a unified repository for information from different locations, ensuring easy access for analysis and reporting.
  3. Data Organization: Organizing data involves structuring information in a way that is meaningful and facilitates efficient retrieval. Categorizing data into relevant segments (e.g., sales, inventory, employee performance) allows for easier analysis and decision-making.
  4. Data Integrity and Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and quality of data is paramount. Regular audits and validation processes help identify and correct errors, inconsistencies, or discrepancies, providing reliable information for strategic decision-making.
  5. Data Security: Protecting sensitive information is a critical aspect of data management. Implementing robust security measures, such as encryption and access controls, helps safeguard customer data, financial records, and other confidential information.
  6. Data Analysis and Reporting: Analyzing data provides valuable insights into business performance. Reporting tools can generate meaningful reports and dashboards that offer a consolidated view of operations across multiple locations, aiding in decision-making processes.
  7. Compliance and Governance: Adhering to data privacy regulations and industry standards is essential. Establishing governance frameworks ensures that data is managed ethically, legally, and in alignment with relevant compliance requirements.
  8. Data Lifecycle Management: Data has a lifecycle, from creation to archival or deletion. Understanding and managing this lifecycle is crucial for optimizing storage resources and ensuring that only relevant data is retained for analysis and reporting.

By implementing effective data management practices, restaurant chains can harness the power of their information, gaining actionable insights and operational efficiencies.

This foundation is essential for addressing the challenges, centralizing data, embracing automation, and future-proofing data management for

Challenges of Data Management for Multiple Locations

Managing data for multiple restaurant locations poses challenges in maintaining consistent reporting, ensuring data accuracy, and handling diverse sets of data generated by different locations. Integration of systems, data security concerns, and the need for staff training add layers of complexity.

Overcoming these challenges requires strategic approaches, such as standardized processes, technology integration, and continuous training, to leverage data as a valuable asset for efficient management and growth.

Understanding the Power of Data Centralization

Unifying Insights Across Locations:

Centralizing data allows for a unified view of operations across all locations. This can aid in better decision-making, as managers and stakeholders can analyze consolidated data to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement.

Precision in Supply Chain Management:

Centralized data enables better control over the supply chain. It helps in optimizing inventory levels, streamlining procurement processes, and negotiating better deals with suppliers based on the aggregated purchasing power of all locations.

 Embracing Automation for Enhanced Efficiency

Predictive Analytics for Proactive Decision-Making:

Leveraging predictive analytics can help anticipate demand, optimize pricing, and enhance customer experiences. By analyzing historical data from all locations, restaurants can make informed decisions regarding inventory, staffing, and menu offerings.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs:

Different locations may have unique requirements based on their demographics and customer preferences. Automation tools can be customized to cater to these diverse needs, ensuring that each location operates efficiently while still adhering to the overall brand strategy.

Future-Proofing Data Management with Consolidated Concepts

Investing in Consolidated Concepts helps you facilitate seamless data sharing and communication between different locations to future-proofing data management. This helps ensures that all aspects of your business, from point-of-sale systems to inventory management, are integrated.

Choosing scalable data management solutions and regularly training staff on these tools and technologies will help you keep up with industry trends and adapt to the growth of your restaurant chain.

Conquer the challenges of managing data across multiple locations by joining Consolidated Concepts today. Take the initiative, implement these strategies, and propel your business towards a more streamlined and efficient future.


Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, January 29, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The western US has experienced substantial rainfall, which, when coupled with persistently unfavorable weather conditions in Mexico and the Eastern US, has resulted in reduced yields and a sudden surge in the overall markets. Apart from very cold temperatures in the desert growing regions of Southern California and Western Arizona (Yuma), these regions encountered more than an inch of precipitation. As a result, growers were unable to package any goods on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week due to the muddy terrain. Although the rain has ceased, shippers are still grappling with exceedingly muddy fields, impeding the packing process and causing delays in load times. Temperatures are anticipated to heat up in the upcoming week. This will definitely put stress on the commodities. Harvest levels are tracking similarly to last week, and with current U.S. inventories sitting at a high level, the market is expected to remain steady into the Super Bowl.


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As crude oil moved flat to higher and bean oil moved lower, soybean oil separated from energy. The weather in South America has improved for the soybean crop, the US dollar is stronger, and stocks are up. Higher prices are possible since there are insufficient supplies of soybean oil. Canola markets are steady, whereas palm markets are erratic.


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The Northwest’s shell egg markets are up this week, while all other markets are down. Block markets are shrinking and barrels are rising. It’s butter time. Prices for January Cream and Culture will be lower as a result of such market modifications.


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Softer tones are beginning to appear in middle meat prices. Ribs and tenderloins are essential commodities to keep selling out, although strips will still be in demand in early 2024 because of their favorable price spread. Rounds and Chucks seem to be exchanging consistently. Because of their limited harvest, grinds are in limited availability.


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Next week, butts moved up once more. This market should continue to be robust due to decreased harvest numbers and strong demand. The price trend for ribs is firmer than anticipated; this is also a result of lower harvest levels. Due to strong retail and export demand, the loin market is still performing better than anticipated. Bellies are still erratic and have increased this week.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Poultry.jpg

Because of the limited production period after the holidays, overall supply is tighter. The supply of breasts has decreased. Tenders are becoming less available. The demand for wings has increased, making them more difficult to locate. The market for dark meat is still strong. The demand for whole birds is rising.


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On December 22, 2023, a new regulation on the origin restriction of seafood raw materials was announced. We’re taking a proactive approach with all suppliers to ensure continued adequate supply. The season is now in full swing in the big lakes with initially strong catches.

operational efficiency

4 Ways to Drive Operational Efficiency Across Multiple Locations

Staying ahead in the foodservice industry demands more than just culinary excellence. For multi-unit restaurant operators, achieving operational efficiency involves navigating the intricate web of supply chain management, data utilization, and performance monitoring.

What does operational efficiency mean?

Operational efficiency refers to the ability of an organization or business to optimize its processes, resources, and activities in order to achieve maximum output with minimal input. It involves streamlining and improving internal operations to enhance productivity, reduce waste, and increase overall effectiveness.

How do you measure operational efficiency?

Operational efficiency can be measured by factors such as:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Time Management
  • Resource Utilization
  • The ability to meet or exceed performance goals.

In the context of a multi-unit restaurant, operational efficiency might include optimizing supply chain processes, improving inventory management, ensuring consistent and standardized procedures, and leveraging technology to streamline various aspects of the business.

Ultimately, the goal is to run operations in a way that minimizes inefficiencies, maximizes output, and contributes to the overall success of the organization.

Operational Efficiency in Multiple Locations

The challenge lies not only in understanding these complexities but also in implementing strategies consistently across all locations. Each location comes with its unique set of challenges, from varying customer preferences to distinct supplier networks.

Processes such as coordinating supply chain logistics, managing data analytics processes, and monitoring performance metrics all become exponentially more challenging when multiplied across different outlets.

Multi-unit restaurant operators often grapple with the difficulty of maintaining a cohesive strategy that aligns with the overarching goal of operational efficiency while adapting to the nuanced requirements of individual units.

Let’s discover four ways you can overcome these challenges, streamline operations, and foster a sense of unity and efficiency across your diverse portfolio of locations.

Centralized Data Management

Centralized Data Management stands as the bedrock for informed decision-making. Operating with an all-in-one tech stack is pivotal for streamlining data from various locations, offering a comprehensive view into areas such as spend management, back office operations, and inventory levels.

This approach eliminates the pitfalls of managing data from disparate sources, providing a unified platform for efficient analysis and optimization of operations. Navigating through data from multiple places introduces complexities that can impede swift decision-making. An all-in-one tech stack simplifies this process, ensuring seamless consolidation and analysis.

Technology-Enabled Supply Chain Optimization

Modern challenges demand modern solutions. The adoption of technology is pivotal for streamlining supply chain management and procurement processes. Benefits of leveraging supply chain management technology include:

  • Streamlined Procurement
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Efficient Inventory Management
  • Seamless Sourcing

A sophisticated tech infrastructure serves as the linchpin, enhancing visibility and seamlessly connecting every link in the supply chain.

Standardized Processes and Best Practices

Consistency is key in the multi-unit restaurant business. Standardized processes and best practices not only enhance operational efficiency but also contribute to a cohesive brand identity. Crucial elements include:

  • Quality Control
  • Customer Experience
  • Cost Management
  • Brand Reputation
  • Adherence to Regulatory Compliance

The adoption of standardized processes and best practices in multi-unit restaurant operations goes beyond efficiency; it shapes the very essence of the brand. From maintaining quality control to enhancing the customer experience, these elements are fundamental in creating a consistent and positive brand identity.

Continuous Performance Monitoring and Improvement

The journey towards operational excellence doesn’t end with implementation; it’s an ongoing process. By embracing feedback, analyzing metrics, and adapting strategies, restaurant operators can foster a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring sustained efficiency gains over time.

  • Feedback Loops: Actively seek input for improvement.
  • KPI Monitoring: Track customer satisfaction and inventory turnover for actionable insights.
  • Agile Adaptation: Stay agile to meet evolving demands.
  • Training and Skill Development: Invest in ongoing staff training for efficiency.
  • Benchmarking Against Industry Standards: Regularly compare performance to industry standards.

Continuous performance monitoring and improvement are integral to multi-unit restaurant success. Fostering adaptability, learning, and refinement ensures establishments exceed customer expectations.

Drive Operational Efficiency with Consolidated Concepts

Achieving operational excellence is a constant pursuit. Consolidated Concepts stands as your strategic partner, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to drive efficiency across key operational pillars.

  1. Centralized Data Management
  2. Technology-Enabled Supply Chain Optimization
  3. Standardized Processes and Best Practices
  4. Continuous Performance Monitoring and Improvement

Centralized Data Management

Consolidated Concepts provides a unified platform for aggregating data from various locations, offering operators valuable insights into purchasing patterns, inventory levels, and customer preferences. This centralized approach empowers operators to make informed decisions, optimize procurement, and streamline operations across their entire portfolio.

Technology-Enabled Supply Chain Optimization

Leveraging innovative technology, Consolidated Concepts streamlines procurement processes, enhances supply chain visibility, and ensures efficient inventory management. From predictive analytics to real-time tracking, our SaaS solutions enable operators to embrace modern supply chain technology, ultimately reducing costs and improving overall operational effectiveness.

Standardized Processes and Best Practices

Consolidated Concepts assists operators in establishing standardized procedures and best practices across locations, from food cost management to food safety. By offering insights into industry best practices, Consolidated Concepts helps operators create a cohesive brand identity, enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring a consistent experience for both staff and patrons.

Continuous Performance Monitoring and Improvement

Serving as a catalyst for a culture of continuous improvement, Consolidated Concepts provides tools for performance monitoring and analysis. Our technology facilitates feedback collection, monitors key performance indicators (KPIs), and supports agile adaptation to changing market dynamics. By benchmarking against industry standards and offering insights into areas for improvement, Consolidated Concepts helps operators drive sustained efficiency gains over time.

Consolidated Concepts serves as a comprehensive solution, addressing each aspect of operational efficiency.

Join Consolidated Concepts today for streamlined efficiency and elevate your business to new heights of success.

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, January 22, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The markets have sustained their upward trajectory as a result of a confluence of heightened domestic demand and reduced yields stemming from unfavorable weather conditions across various cultivation areas. It is projected that this pattern will endure until the month of January. The desert growing regions of Southern California and Western Arizona (Yuma) have experienced cold weather over the last two weeks, with several hours of field freeze in the early morning hours. Nighttime temperatures have risen slightly, with only traces of frost in the fields at this time, but due to the cold temperatures, expect to see the effects of the freezing temperatures in all items shipping from these growing areas. Supplies out of these regions remain steady, but markets have increased slightly.


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The soybean oil market is moving sideways because there isn’t any meaningful market news. The market may rise swiftly if the big funds reverse their short positions, which they currently hold. Canola seed is weak and canola oil is flat. Due to a decrease in available stockpiles and a rise in exports, palm climbed marginally higher.


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This week, shell egg marketplaces are booming. Markets for barrels and blocks are expanding. It’s butter time. Prices for January Cream and Culture will be lower as a result of such market modifications.


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This market has increased as a result of the first winter storm. Rounds and chucks are in style. This week has seen a 180° turn in the appreciation of ribs and strips, which began last week. In the best-case scenario, tenderloins will maintain the present market pricing and follow suit. Due to the restricted crop, grinds are still in short supply; gains are observed on 80’s and source grinds.


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It appears that butts have peaked and should start to decline. Large cold storage inventories are also contributing to the downward trend in rib prices. Be prepared to give in this market. Because there is little demand, boneless loins are likewise continuing to decline. Bellies are expected to gain strength over the month after showing modest support the previous week.


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Because of MLK Day and the cold conditions in the South that halted production, there is a shortage of goods overall. The availability of breasts in all sizes has decreased. Tenders are becoming less available. Demand for wings of all sizes has increased due to the NFL Playoffs, and production has decreased. The market for dark meat is still strong.


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On 12/22/23, an executive order was announced concerning the limitations on the provenance of seafood raw materials. Proactively, we are collaborating with suppliers to guarantee the availability of impacted commodities. Great Lakes whitefish season begins with some good catches. In the upcoming months, shortages of lobster tails from the North Atlantic are anticipated.

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, January 15, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The markets have remained higher due to a combination of increased national demand and lower yields caused by adverse weather in multiple growing regions. It is anticipated that this trend will persist until January. The desert growing regions of Southern California and Western Arizona (Yuma) have been experiencing cold weather over the last week, with several hours of field freeze in the early morning hours. Expect delays in load times due to harvesting starting late due to the cold weather.


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The market for soybean oil has stabilized. Crop conditions and weather in South America are getting better. Money has been transferred from commodities to stocks by funds. Canola is still in a steady state with favorable market circumstances generally and no history of problems with winter logistics. With a generally strong balance sheet, palm is lower. steady.


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This week, shell egg markets are completely closed. Block markets are growing while barrels are shrinking. It’s butter time. Prices for January Cream and Culture will be lower as a result of such market modifications.


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Although top 2/3, select grade, and light weight specifications have leveled off due to limited boxes, middle beef pricing had begun to drop. The supply of tenderloins exceeds the demand, causing them to continue to decline. Strips are nevertheless valuable even in limited quantities. Rounds and Chucks are trading consistently. There is still a shortage of grinds because of the small yield.


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It appears that butts have peaked and should start to decline. Large cold storage inventories are also contributing to the downward trend in rib prices. Be prepared to give in this market. Because there is little demand, boneless loins are likewise continuing to decline. Bellies are expected to gain strength over the month after showing modest support the previous week.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Poultry.jpg

Because of the limited production period after the holidays, overall supply is tighter. The availability of breasts in all sizes has decreased. There are fewer and fewer tenders available. The demand for wings has increased, making them more difficult to locate. The market for dark meat is still strong. Complete birds are balanced.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Seafood.jpg

On December 22, 2023, a new executive order pertaining to restrictions on the provenance of seafood raw materials was made public. To guarantee appropriate supply continuity for all impacted commodities, we are proactively collaborating with all suppliers. In the Great Lakes, whitefish season is well underway with some excellent catches thus far.

3 Vital Tech Tools for Multi-Unit Restaurants

3 Vital Tech Tools for Multi-Unit Restaurants

Balancing the demands of multiple restaurant locations requires a constant awareness of time’s ticking clock. Decisions must be quick, impactful, and directly tied to profitability.

Leveraging innovative tech tools not only streamlines decision-making processes but also enhances overall operational efficiency, providing a crucial edge in sustaining profitability across multiple restaurant locations.

What is a Tech Tool?

A tech tool refers to any software, application, device, or solution that is designed to assist or enhance the performance of tasks related to technology or information technology. These tools can range from simple applications that perform specific functions to complex software platforms that address a variety of needs.

Examples of tech tools include:

Essentially, any tool that utilizes technology to accomplish a task or solve a problem can be considered a tech tool. Tech tools play a crucial role in the industry, helping multi-unit restaurant operators streamline processes, increase efficiency, and achieve their goals.

Let’s breakdown the crucial, often underestimated tech tools that can redefine efficiency for multi-unit restaurant operators.

Back Office Tech tool

Back Office 

At the heart of efficient multi-unit restaurant management lies the transformative power of back office technology.

  • Streamlined Operations: Simplifying your tech stack including food cost management, payroll, ap automation, accounting, and bookkeeping through integrated back-office solutions.
  • Real-Time Insights: Access to critical data, enabling informed decisions, and proactive adjustments to optimize back office performance.
  • Cost Controls: Enhanced visibility into expenses, labor management, and financial analytics to maximize back office profitability.

Embracing integrated back-office solutions enables multi-unit restaurants to seize control of operations, fostering agility and data-driven decision-making for sustained growth and efficiency.

Spend Management Tech Tool

Spend Management 

Efficient financial strategies lie at the core of successful multi-unit restaurants. Here’s how spend management technology revolutionizes financial operations and empowers strategic decision-making:

  • Centralized Procurement: Consolidating purchasing power across units to drive economies of scale and secure favorable pricing.
  • Negotiation Expertise: Leveraging industry insights and expertise for strategic vendor negotiations, reducing costs without compromising quality.
  • Data-Driven Efficiency: Analyzing spending patterns to identify areas for savings and directing resources towards high-impact investments.

By harnessing the power of spend management technology, multi-unit restaurants can not only optimize their financial strategies but also fortify their positions for sustainable growth and success in a demanding market landscape.

Supply Chain Management Tech Tools

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management technology drives operational efficiency for multi-unit restaurants. Here’s how it works:

  • Seamless Integration: Connecting with a robust supply chain network to ensure timely and reliable delivery of goods and services.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reducing supply chain disruptions through contingency planning and diversification of suppliers.
  • Sustainability Focus: Embracing eco-friendly practices and ethical sourcing, aligning with modern consumer values while reducing costs long-term.

Supply chain management technology emerges as the bedrock for operational resilience, empowering multi-unit restaurants to navigate challenges, ensure consistency, and uphold sustainable practices for enduring success in a dynamic industry.

consolidated concepts

Offering comprehensive assistance across the spectrum of crucial technology solutions for multi-unit restaurant operators, Consolidated Concepts stands as the guiding force.

Holistic Integration

  • Back Office Technology: Leveraging sophisticated software to streamline business operations, manage costs, and enhance visibility into financial analytics.
  • Spend Management Technology: Utilizing negotiation expertise and centralized procurement strategies to optimize vendor relations and drive cost efficiency.
  • Supply Chain Management Technology: Overseeing contract compliance, ensuring visibility into produce management, and pinpointing the precise products tailored to fulfill the operational requirements.

Tailored Expertise

  • Custom Solutions: Tailored technology solutions to fit the unique needs and scale of multi-unit restaurant operations.
  • Industry Insights: Providing guidance and strategies honed through extensive experience within the foodservice industry.
  • Proven Results: Demonstrating tangible success stories showcasing cost reductions, improved efficiencies, and sustainable practices.

Collaborative Partnership

  • Ongoing Support: Offering continuous assistance, guidance, and updates to ensure optimal utilization of integrated tech solutions.
  • Scalable Solutions: Adapting to the evolving needs and growth trajectories of multi-unit restaurant operations.
  • Future-Ready Approach: Anticipating industry trends and technological advancements to keep partners ahead of the curve.

Consolidated Concepts expertise and tailored technology solutions make them the perfect partner for multi-unit restaurant operators seeking to excel in an increasingly competitive environment driven by data efficiency and technology.

Join Consolidated Concepts today!

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, January 8, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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Adverse weather conditions in several growing regions continue to play a pivotal role in lower supplies across several commodities, which have caused markets to remain higher and will likely remain through the end of January. In Yuma, temperatures have dropped this week, with much lower daytime and nighttime temps. With these lower temperatures, expect to see some frost in all desert-growing areas. Supplies have remained steady with some quality issues.


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As crude oil moved flat to higher and bean oil moved lower, soybean oil separated from energy. The weather in South America has improved for the soybean crop, the US dollar is stronger, and stocks are up. Higher prices are possible since there are insufficient supplies of soybean oil. Canola markets are steady, whereas palm markets are erratic.


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The Northwest’s shell egg markets are up this week, while all other markets are down. Block markets are shrinking and barrels are rising. It’s butter time. Prices for January Cream and Culture will be lower as a result of such market modifications.


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Softer tones are beginning to appear in middle meat prices. Ribs and tenderloins are essential commodities to keep selling out, although strips will still be in demand in early 2024 because of their favorable price spread. Rounds and Chucks seem to be exchanging consistently. Because of their limited harvest, grinds are in limited availability.


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Next week, butts moved up once more. This market should continue to be robust due to decreased harvest numbers and strong demand. The price trend for ribs is firmer than anticipated; this is also a result of lower harvest levels. Due to strong retail and export demand, the loin market is still performing better than anticipated. Bellies are still erratic and have increased this week.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Poultry.jpg

Because of the limited production period after the holidays, overall supply is tighter. The supply of breasts has decreased. There are fewer and fewer tenders available. The demand for wings has increased, making them more difficult to locate. The market for dark meat is still strong. The demand for whole birds is rising.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Seafood.jpg

On December 22, 2023, a new executive order pertaining to restrictions on the provenance of seafood raw materials was made public. To guarantee appropriate supply continuity for all impacted commodities, we are proactively collaborating with all suppliers. In the Great Lakes, whitefish season is well underway with some excellent catches thus far.

Freshly Picked image

Freshly Picked, January 1, 2024

Alerts & What’s Trending


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The southeastern U.S. and Mexico’s growing regions have been experiencing adverse weather conditions, leading to lower yields. Additionally, the heightened national demand during the holiday season is further contributing to the upward pressure on prices, which is expected to persist for the next 3-4 weeks. In Yuma, rain is in the forecast with an estimated rainfall amount of 1-3 inches last week. The amount of rain is not enough to damage the crops seriously but is enough to slow down harvesting, as excessive mud will make it hard for trucks and tractors to get through fields.


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Biofuels and less demand caused last week’s movement in the energy markets downward. This contributed to the decline in the price of soybean oil. A portion of the drop in demand for biofuels was caused by increased use of Canola oil. With ample supply and decreased Chinese demand, palm oil prices remained stable.


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This week, shell egg markets are closed. Barrels are expanding slightly, while block markets are contracting. Time for butter. There will be some fluctuations in the cost of Cream and Culture in December.


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Buyers’ attention is still focused on tenderloins and ribs due to the holiday. The price of middle-aged meat has been supported by demand. Shortloins and strips are nevertheless valuable, and increased trades have been supported by interest. Chucks and rounds keep getting softer as boxes begin to form and purchasers’ attention wanes. At best, grinds are constant and choppy since packers have different supplies.


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Butts are seeing a little decline in the market after an unexpected increase last week. Given the relative flatness of boneless loins, sideways trading is to be anticipated in the upcoming weeks. Ribs are also exchanging sideways. Their bellies are shrinking quickly because they are still searching for the floor. Trimmings are likewise trading sideways, and demand is stable.


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During the height of the chicken industry’s growth season, larger birds with greater yields are the outcome. The breasts are beginning to contract. There is availability on tenders. Demand for wings of all sizes has somewhat decreased. The market for dark meat is still strong. The demand for whole birds is rising.


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The Texas Department of Parks & Wildlife has closed the Texas Gulf oyster beds, which will impact availability. Alaska Red King crab is available, albeit at a premium price. According to reports, Peru reopened its second anchovy season three days ago, although there is still a shortage. The market for shrimp imports is still struggling.